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Friday Night Film at 5Point

LGBTQIA+ and river adventures are coming together this year for 5Point Film Festival’s Friday night film!

Film: Canyon Chorus — Set against the backdrop of Desolation Canyon, UT, Mikah Meyer, a world-record traveler and LGBTQ+ advocate, reflects with three close friends and his mentor, Larry Edwards, on their stories and the power of mentorship within the queer community.

”Our mission is to build community and inspire change by showcasing and celebrating impactful stories of adventure.

WE ARE DEDICATED to uplifting diverse storytellers and stories that allow us to better understand the world around us. WE ARE GUIDED by our five founding principles: commitment, respect, humility, purpose, balance.

“Enjoy our signature adventure film programming complete with special guests and a legendary emcee.”

April 24

Queers and Coffee, ASL Club, and Spanish Intercambio (Copy)

April 27

5Point 5K with Pattiegonia!!!